Who's Most Likely to Questions game is a popular party game that is usually played with a group of friends. The aim of the game is to predict which player is most likely to perform a particular action or exhibit a specific trait. To play the game, players sit in a circle and take turns asking each other "Who is most likely to…?" and filling in the blank with a statement. For example, "Who is most likely to go skydiving?" or "Who is most likely to win an Academy Award?"
marielucas replied on Permalink
Who's Most Likely to Questions
Who's Most Likely to Questions game is a popular party game that is usually played with a group of friends. The aim of the game is to predict which player is most likely to perform a particular action or exhibit a specific trait. To play the game, players sit in a circle and take turns asking each other "Who is most likely to…?" and filling in the blank with a statement. For example, "Who is most likely to go skydiving?" or "Who is most likely to win an Academy Award?"